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    მეტი იდეების კონკურსის შესახებ საქართველოში სახალხო დაფინანსების პირველი პლატფორმაა, რომელიც 2015 წელს შეიქმნა. პლატფორმის მიზანია, ხელი შეუწყოს სოციალური პროექტების განხორციელებას, დაეხმაროს და მიცეს მოტივაცია ადამიანებს, რომლებსაც აქვთ პასუხისმგებლობა და სურვილი განახორციელონ საინტერესო პროექტები და შეცვალონ ან უკეთესი გახადონ თავიანთი ქალაქი თუ რეგიონი. ასევე, დაინერგოს Crowdfunding-ის კულტურა საქართველოში. სახალხო დაფინანსების (Crowdfunding) მთავარი იდეა ბევრი ადამიანის მიერ, ერთიანი ძალისხმევითა და აქტიური ჩართულობით საერთო პროექტების განხორციელებაა. ორბელიანი მეტის პლატფორმაზე „იდეების კონკურსი“ მიმდინარეობს , რაც იმას ნიშნავს რომ საქართველოს ნებისმიერ მოქალაქეს შეუძლია გააგზავნოს საკუთარი ინიციატივა, რომელიც კონკრეტულითემის თუ საზოგადოების კეთილდღეობაზე იქნება ორიენტირებული.   „იდეების კონკურსი“ 2020 წლიდან USAID-ის სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ჩართულობის პროგრამის ფარგლებში მიმდინარეობს და ცდილობს დაეხმაროს ახალგაზრდებს, სამოქალაქო აქტივისტებს, სოციალურ მეწარმეებსა თუ ჩვეულებრივ მოქალაქეებს მოიპოვონ საკმარისი დაფინანსება საკუთარი პროექტების და სოციალური ინიციატივების განსახორციელებლად თანადაფინანსების პრინციპით.   იდეის ავტორებს პლატფორმის საშუალებით შეუძლიათ მოაგროვონ პროექტისთვის სასურველი თანხის 30%, ხოლო 70% „ორბელიანი მეტის” დონორი ორგანიზაციის მიერ იფარება. ისინი პლატფორმაზე 2 თვის განმავლობაში შეძლებენ აწარმოონ ქრაუდფანდინგ კამპანია და საკუთარი ინიციატივა უცხო ადამიანების დახმარებით რეალობად აქციონ.

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    "I want someone to take care of me when i get old ..."

    Tako Bakradze is the winner of  the Orbeliani Meti’s contest of ideas, and her idea is to give a free pottery lesson to seniors from Martkopi.  In order to make the possibility of studying ceramics  for the seniors, she moved to Martkopi with her family and created a studio, where the seniors are given the opportunity to practice. Tako shares with us what changes her initiative will bring to society: “The support of Orbeliani Mati does not start from 70% financial co-financing, but from the preparation we start to shoot a video so that our idea can see the light of day and reach the hearts of many people. The video of Ulevi Ceramics had 279 shares within 24 hours of being posted on social networks, without any artificial intervention or sponsored advertising. Despite the fact that we believe in our idea and we have understood our social responsibility, which involves returning people over 60 years of age to society and effectively using their years of experience, we were still pleasantly surprised  by the reaction of the people to the video. This showed us even more how acute the problem of socialization of the elderly is in our country and how we need to start taking action to solve this problem as soon as possible. A lady who made a donation to give a free pottery lesson to seniors from Martkopi., wrote us one phrase, “I want them to take care of me in my old age”… This phrase has become the starting point from which we realize that caring for one another is the foundation of a healthy society.Each donation we receive from donors brings us one step closer to allowing ten elderly people of Martkofi to enjoy a friendly and age-stereotype-free space, develop a new hobby and have a source of income from a pleasant job. So important is the involvement of people who make their own contribution to the health and diversity of their senior years, we are confident that we will be able to open more workshops in the future to bring more seniors back into society.” Learn more about Tako’s Idea!

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    What is a CROWDFUNDING?

    Crowdfunding helps people turn their ideas into reality, get enough funding to implement their projects and social initiatives. The main idea of crowdfunding is the implementation of common projects by many people with united efforts and active participation! The advantage of crowdfunding (public financing) is that it is possible to obtain financing without the participation of banks, various funds and exchanges. This is a more democratic method – you have the opportunity to present your idea to a large number of potential financiers in the online space Crowdfunding allows as many people as possible to be interested in your idea, which will bring good to society. There are several types of crowdfunding: Donation-based crowdfunding, which involves collecting donations from supporters for your project. In the case of incentive-based crowdfunding, the project author thanks the donor with a symbolic reward. Equity-based crowdfunding means that donors receive a percentage of the company’s stock in exchange for their support. And finally, loan-based financing, in which the project author undertakes to return the donation after a certain period of time. Which type of crowdfunding you choose depends on the needs of your project. If you have an idea that you want to make a reality or become a part of something valuable and strengthen a region with a donation, the crowdfunding platform provides exactly these opportunities!

  • Placeholder image

    "Competition of ideas" - step for change

    Do you want to change the life of your community for the better? If you have time, energy, creativity and ideas, if you are a blogger, IT specialist, architect, student, teacher, journalist, civil servant, artist, designer, entrepreneur or just an active citizen, if you don’t want to wait patiently, how your community, village is changing , city streets, neighborhood, school, garden, park and youth life, then you yourself change the life of your community for the better! OrbelianiMeti’s ideas competition is a step towards change! Present your idea on our platform – what do you want to change in your community/village/city. As a result of participation: – your idea will be considered by the competition jury; – If you win, you will receive funding for your idea! – develop your idea with the help of industry experts and associates; – You will participate in advocacy and community mobilization trainings and get to know other activists; – If the idea is implemented, you can share your success with other startup project authors! Ecology, greening, transport and mobility, education and youth involvement, urban space development or culture. What is your idea about? Anyone can submit an idea throughout Georgia, including: individuals, initiative groups, civil movements and activists. Ideas can be submitted after registering on the platform. You can find more information about the competition on our Facebook page – Orbeliani Meti • Orbeliani Meti For more information, write to us on Facebook or email –

See more ideas More about us

Stories about us

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    მეტი იდეების კონკურსის შესახებ საქართველოში სახალხო დაფინანსების პირველი პლატფორმაა, რომელიც 2015 წელს შეიქმნა. პლატფორმის მიზანია, ხელი შეუწყოს სოციალური პროექტების განხორციელებას, დაეხმაროს და მიცეს მოტივაცია ადამიანებს, რომლებსაც აქვთ პასუხისმგებლობა და სურვილი განახორციელონ საინტერესო პროექტები და შეცვალონ ან უკეთესი გახადონ თავიანთი ქალაქი თუ რეგიონი. ასევე, დაინერგოს Crowdfunding-ის კულტურა საქართველოში. სახალხო დაფინანსების (Crowdfunding) მთავარი იდეა ბევრი ადამიანის მიერ, ერთიანი ძალისხმევითა და აქტიური ჩართულობით საერთო პროექტების განხორციელებაა. ორბელიანი მეტის პლატფორმაზე „იდეების კონკურსი“ მიმდინარეობს , რაც იმას ნიშნავს რომ საქართველოს ნებისმიერ მოქალაქეს შეუძლია გააგზავნოს საკუთარი ინიციატივა, რომელიც კონკრეტულითემის თუ საზოგადოების კეთილდღეობაზე იქნება ორიენტირებული.   „იდეების კონკურსი“ 2020 წლიდან USAID-ის სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ჩართულობის პროგრამის ფარგლებში მიმდინარეობს და ცდილობს დაეხმაროს ახალგაზრდებს, სამოქალაქო აქტივისტებს, სოციალურ მეწარმეებსა თუ ჩვეულებრივ მოქალაქეებს მოიპოვონ საკმარისი დაფინანსება საკუთარი პროექტების და სოციალური ინიციატივების განსახორციელებლად თანადაფინანსების პრინციპით.   იდეის ავტორებს პლატფორმის საშუალებით შეუძლიათ მოაგროვონ პროექტისთვის სასურველი თანხის 30%, ხოლო 70% „ორბელიანი მეტის” დონორი ორგანიზაციის მიერ იფარება. ისინი პლატფორმაზე 2 თვის განმავლობაში შეძლებენ აწარმოონ ქრაუდფანდინგ კამპანია და საკუთარი ინიციატივა უცხო ადამიანების დახმარებით რეალობად აქციონ.

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    "I want someone to take care of me when i get old ..."

    Tako Bakradze is the winner of  the Orbeliani Meti’s contest of ideas, and her idea is to give a free pottery lesson to seniors from Martkopi.  In order to make the possibility of studying ceramics  for the seniors, she moved to Martkopi with her family and created a studio, where the seniors are given the opportunity to practice. Tako shares with us what changes her initiative will bring to society: “The support of Orbeliani Mati does not start from 70% financial co-financing, but from the preparation we start to shoot a video so that our idea can see the light of day and reach the hearts of many people. The video of Ulevi Ceramics had 279 shares within 24 hours of being posted on social networks, without any artificial intervention or sponsored advertising. Despite the fact that we believe in our idea and we have understood our social responsibility, which involves returning people over 60 years of age to society and effectively using their years of experience, we were still pleasantly surprised  by the reaction of the people to the video. This showed us even more how acute the problem of socialization of the elderly is in our country and how we need to start taking action to solve this problem as soon as possible. A lady who made a donation to give a free pottery lesson to seniors from Martkopi., wrote us one phrase, “I want them to take care of me in my old age”… This phrase has become the starting point from which we realize that caring for one another is the foundation of a healthy society.Each donation we receive from donors brings us one step closer to allowing ten elderly people of Martkofi to enjoy a friendly and age-stereotype-free space, develop a new hobby and have a source of income from a pleasant job. So important is the involvement of people who make their own contribution to the health and diversity of their senior years, we are confident that we will be able to open more workshops in the future to bring more seniors back into society.” Learn more about Tako’s Idea!

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    What is a CROWDFUNDING?

    Crowdfunding helps people turn their ideas into reality, get enough funding to implement their projects and social initiatives. The main idea of crowdfunding is the implementation of common projects by many people with united efforts and active participation! The advantage of crowdfunding (public financing) is that it is possible to obtain financing without the participation of banks, various funds and exchanges. This is a more democratic method – you have the opportunity to present your idea to a large number of potential financiers in the online space Crowdfunding allows as many people as possible to be interested in your idea, which will bring good to society. There are several types of crowdfunding: Donation-based crowdfunding, which involves collecting donations from supporters for your project. In the case of incentive-based crowdfunding, the project author thanks the donor with a symbolic reward. Equity-based crowdfunding means that donors receive a percentage of the company’s stock in exchange for their support. And finally, loan-based financing, in which the project author undertakes to return the donation after a certain period of time. Which type of crowdfunding you choose depends on the needs of your project. If you have an idea that you want to make a reality or become a part of something valuable and strengthen a region with a donation, the crowdfunding platform provides exactly these opportunities!

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    "Competition of ideas" - step for change

    Do you want to change the life of your community for the better? If you have time, energy, creativity and ideas, if you are a blogger, IT specialist, architect, student, teacher, journalist, civil servant, artist, designer, entrepreneur or just an active citizen, if you don’t want to wait patiently, how your community, village is changing , city streets, neighborhood, school, garden, park and youth life, then you yourself change the life of your community for the better! OrbelianiMeti’s ideas competition is a step towards change! Present your idea on our platform – what do you want to change in your community/village/city. As a result of participation: – your idea will be considered by the competition jury; – If you win, you will receive funding for your idea! – develop your idea with the help of industry experts and associates; – You will participate in advocacy and community mobilization trainings and get to know other activists; – If the idea is implemented, you can share your success with other startup project authors! Ecology, greening, transport and mobility, education and youth involvement, urban space development or culture. What is your idea about? Anyone can submit an idea throughout Georgia, including: individuals, initiative groups, civil movements and activists. Ideas can be submitted after registering on the platform. You can find more information about the competition on our Facebook page – Orbeliani Meti • Orbeliani Meti For more information, write to us on Facebook or email –


Cube In Context

Matchfunded by USAID 10,000 GEL


Campaign content

Cube In Context and my daughter are exactly the same age, both were born in March, eleven years ago... It was the time when almost all old buildings in the center of Tbilisi were intended to be replaced by high-rise, faceless pavement walls... especially where there was at least a little greenery and a chance to breathe...

The core idea of rescuing abandoned ropeway station and giving to it a shelter in art belongs to contemporary artists, Vasil Macharadze and Koka Vashakidze.  It is an idea that we have been caring for so many years, with same selfless work and love, as one can care for raising a child. Everything comes on its time and we had trust that we could create an important cultural point for each person in the park that was conceived as a space of kindness in its time, so, we acted as we could... It is better to keep moving in one place rather than stop and give up, it is definitely time to move forward... On the way, we were constantly met by enthusiastic people who enjoyed sharing their experience, knowledge and skills for the benefit of Cube. Four years ago, with an open letter and visual material, we introduced the idea to the city, which got so popular in social networks that the Tbilisi City Hall got interested in the implementation of the project and performed all the necessary repair work for the functional transformation of the building. This is how a cultural point was born in the middle of the city, hidden in greenery, which probably leaves no one indifferent with its special appearance and openness... Today, Cube In Context is a small cultural space in former ropeway station, social enterprise with contemporary art gallery, mediatheque and experimental environment for creating dialogue between different groups of people, especially for kids. Our team, together with friends, always succeeds in doing incredible good deeds by connecting important circles in chain. The idea of creating a "Knowledge Club in Cube” arose from my reality as a self-employed parent, a lecturer in constant contact with young people, and, at the same time, a mother of a teenager: the fact is that the majority of children do not receive standard forms of education and prefer to learn in an informal environment, by playing, experimenting or simply listening to others. They get a much greater motivation to acquire knowledge than would get by sitting alone at a desk... There are children who cannot read due to health barriers and lose contact with their peers, and we also have adolescents around us whose fundamental right to education is limited (!), for instance because they do not have a ID cards and have no right (!!!) to be enrolled in school without a personal number... We have a lot of self-employed parents, for whom being with and working with children is a great challenge, who dreams of combining his own work process and a comfortable, ecologically clean, cognitive environment for the little one, and cannot see a place where to go with laptop, and let child calmly go to the meadow, to read a book with his peers or play a role in the shadow theater with little paws...

there is a lot to talk about on each topic and we’ll be happy to share with you our views of solving  existing challenges, but that’ll be after, in Cube... when you visit it with friends, children, parents, business partners, grandparents... other people of older or younger generations and probably will proudly tell them that in each initiative that’ll be met in these small walls is a huge piece of your unappreciated contribution - in the form of one GEL, one word, idea or recommendation, which will always be found at the right time, in the right place.

Yes, together we can create a "Knowledge Club In Cube”, where children of different ages, interests and abilities will make friends together in an equal environment, grow by taking care of each other, in an informal environment, by playing, reciting books, putting on plays, discussing film screenings, creating illustrations or writing creative texts. We know that nothing gets lost in the universe… May every good coin, support and wish you send to the "Knowledge Club" be returned to you a thousand-fold. See you in Cube!

101 Supporter

Anna Lomidze

168.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

nina katamadze

375.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

medea chkhaidze

400.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

anna laghidze

700.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

andro darsavelidze

500.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

მარიამ შერგელაშვილი

20.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

სვეტლანა გერგაული

10.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

nestan khurodze

10.0 GEL
November 30, 2022


1.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

miranda gvarmiani

10.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

liza kupreishvili

10.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

tea kobakhidze

1.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

nini buadze

5.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

მარიშკა კუპრეიშვილი

11.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

ვახტანგ ქოსმანაშვილი

10.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

ნინო მაისურაძე

5.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

ფიქრია გოდერძიშვილი

5.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

ნონა კოტია

1.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

ხათუნა კაციტაძე

5.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

გურანდა გვენეტაძე

10.0 GEL
November 30, 2022

ელენე კაპანაძე

20.0 GEL
November 29, 2022

ქეთი ვაწაძე

10.0 GEL
November 29, 2022

ეკატერინე დანელია

10.0 GEL
November 29, 2022

მანანა ტატიშვილი

20.0 GEL
November 29, 2022

მაია მიშელაძე

10.0 GEL
November 29, 2022

თამარ ჩხაიძე

15.0 GEL
November 29, 2022

ნინო მოდებაძე

10.0 GEL
November 29, 2022

მეგი კავთუაშვილი

10.0 GEL
November 29, 2022

ცირა ბესლია

5.0 GEL
November 28, 2022

lazare komakhidze

5.0 GEL
November 28, 2022

გვანცა ბესელია

100.0 GEL
November 28, 2022

Ნატო Ძიძიკაშვილი

30.0 GEL
November 27, 2022

ნატა შვ

5.0 GEL
November 27, 2022

ანა ჟორჟოლიანი

25.0 GEL
November 25, 2022

khatuna chaladze

20.0 GEL
November 21, 2022

მზეო სიჭინავა

20.0 GEL
November 21, 2022

ლალეტა მონადირიშვილი

20.0 GEL
November 21, 2022

ნიკოლოზ ქირია

50.0 GEL
November 21, 2022

ეკა წოწორია

10.0 GEL
November 20, 2022

გულიკო ოთიაშვილი

5.0 GEL
November 17, 2022

მზია ჩიხრაძე

50.0 GEL
November 17, 2022

მაკა კევლიშვილი

30.0 GEL
November 17, 2022

ნინო წიკლაური

100.0 GEL
November 17, 2022

Diana Lachkepiani

50.0 GEL
November 14, 2022

ანა ჟორჟოლიანი

10.0 GEL
November 09, 2022

ბექა ლეჟავა

10.0 GEL
November 03, 2022

ხათუნა სოსანაშვილი

20.0 GEL
November 03, 2022


10.0 GEL
October 31, 2022

ეკა წირღვვა

50.0 GEL
October 31, 2022


5.0 GEL
October 31, 2022

sopo parjiani

50.0 GEL
October 31, 2022

გიო თამაზაშვილი

50.0 GEL
October 31, 2022

თამარ კიკნაველიძე

200.0 GEL
October 31, 2022

შორენა კიკნაძე

10.0 GEL
October 31, 2022

გია ვაწაძე

100.0 GEL
October 31, 2022

ლევან ქიროა

20.0 GEL
October 31, 2022

ანა მამალაძე

20.0 GEL
October 30, 2022


10.0 GEL
October 29, 2022

nino nasidze

20.0 GEL
October 29, 2022

nino kachkachashvili

20.0 GEL
October 29, 2022

Nino khugashvili

50.0 GEL
October 26, 2022

Anni Chkoidze

10.0 GEL
October 26, 2022

თამარ ჩხაიძე

4.8 GEL
October 22, 2022

ია წიწილაშვილი

10.0 GEL
October 21, 2022

გიორგი თვალიაშვილი

10.0 GEL
October 19, 2022

ნინო რთველიაშვილი

20.0 GEL
October 19, 2022

თათია დალაქიშვილი

10.0 GEL
October 19, 2022

vivien vashakidze

19.0 GEL
October 14, 2022

ვლადიმერი მახარაძე

5.0 GEL
October 14, 2022

დეა ვაწაძე

5.0 GEL
October 14, 2022

თამარ მელიქიშვილი

5.0 GEL
October 14, 2022

რუსუდან კელეპტრიშვილი

50.0 GEL
October 14, 2022

სოფიო ნიკოლაიშვილი

100.0 GEL
October 14, 2022

კახაბერ ლომაძე

20.0 GEL
October 13, 2022

მაყვალა ჯოხარიძე

20.0 GEL
October 11, 2022

Ნატო Ძიძიკაშვილი

55.0 GEL
October 08, 2022

Givi Kopadze

1.0 GEL
October 08, 2022

გულნარ ოთიაშვილი

5.0 GEL
October 08, 2022

გიორგი მრევლიშვილი

30.0 GEL
October 07, 2022

ნინო კრაწაშვილი

3.0 GEL
October 07, 2022

მედეა ტურაშვილი

20.0 GEL
October 07, 2022

თამუნა გეწაძე

5.0 GEL
October 07, 2022

მაია მიშელაძე

10.0 GEL
October 06, 2022

მარიამ ჩუბინიძე

5.0 GEL
October 06, 2022


5.0 GEL
October 06, 2022

Malkhaz Saldadze

10.0 GEL
October 06, 2022

ირინა კობახიძე

20.0 GEL
October 06, 2022


10.0 GEL
October 06, 2022

ნინო კიკაბიძე

15.0 GEL
October 06, 2022

სოფიო ნიკოლაიშვილი

10.0 GEL
October 06, 2022

ნინო სალუქვაძე

15.0 GEL
October 06, 2022

ანა კალატოზი

20.0 GEL
October 06, 2022


10.0 GEL
October 05, 2022

ლელა ავალიშვილი

10.0 GEL
October 05, 2022

Mariam Khutsishvili

100.0 GEL
October 05, 2022

სანათა ოჩიაური

22.0 GEL
October 05, 2022


7.0 GEL
October 05, 2022

dodo gogokhia

50.0 GEL
October 05, 2022


5.0 GEL
October 05, 2022


5.0 GEL
October 05, 2022


11.0 GEL
October 05, 2022

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ლენდთერაპიის სეანსი კუბის არტთერაპიის კლუბში


Contribution given

შემოქმედებითი სტიკერების ნაკრები კუბისგან


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კუბის ჩანთა სტიკერებით