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Rashovda – multifunctional space in Zemo Racha

Matchfunded By USAID Civil Society Engagement Program


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Considering its multifaceted tourism potential and resources, Racha can easily become one of Georgia's most attractive regions. Here, diverse nature, mountain air, coniferous and deciduous mixed forests, mineral waters, cultural monuments, and other resources create unique conditions for the development of various types of tourism.     However, despite the existing resources and potential, Racha is currently the fastest-depopulating region in Georgia.   Access to cultural and social resources and non-formal education opportunities in remote cities and villages is essential for dispelling the feeling of isolation and exclusion and enabling self-development and self-realization.     The social enterprise "Rashovda" aims to create a multifunctional cultural-touristic and educational social space in Upper Racha. Here, on the one hand, opportunities for non-formal education will be created for the local population and young people; on the other hand, it will help to improve the well-being of the community of Racha through the development of the region's priority direction - tourism and its potential.     While visiting Racha, you will find an authentic and cozy social café immersed in nature, surrounded by mountains. Here, you will be able to communicate and socialize with locals, exchange ideas and inspiration, and enjoy events, exhibitions or festivals. Here, you will find the region's tourist services and agricultural products gathered in one space. The income from the social enterprise will be reinvested for social purposes.   Most importantly, Rashovda will be open to local community gatherings, and new ideas and projects will be created here.    We want ours, our friends', neighbors' and any locals' lives in Racha to be exciting and full of opportunities, where we have common interests and the opportunity to share different opinions, where we gather knowledge, experience and motivation to take care of solving the challenges around us and improve our daily life! With your support, we will be able to implement the idea of "Rashovda"!  

60 Supporter

თამარ გოგოლაძე

30.0 GEL
June 10, 2024

კახა კოტაშვილი

50.0 GEL
June 10, 2024


10.0 GEL
June 07, 2024

გიორგი (Giorgi) ლობჟანიძე (Lobjanidze)

75.0 GEL
June 07, 2024


10.0 GEL
June 07, 2024


50.0 GEL
June 07, 2024

ზურა ბიჭაშვილი

30.0 GEL
June 07, 2024

თენგო სულთანიშვილი

30.0 GEL
June 07, 2024

Alla Parunova

50.0 GEL
June 07, 2024

თომა ფრუიძე

100.0 GEL
June 06, 2024

თეო ნეფარიძე

30.0 GEL
June 05, 2024

სოფო ლეკიშვილი

200.0 GEL
June 05, 2024


30.0 GEL
June 05, 2024


5.0 GEL
June 05, 2024

მარიამ გოგავა

30.0 GEL
June 05, 2024

თამარ კანკავა

100.0 GEL
June 05, 2024

გიორგი ლობჯანიძე

10.0 GEL
June 05, 2024

Vytautas Zulonas

750.0 GEL
June 05, 2024

Povilas Baranovas

150.0 GEL
June 05, 2024

ეთო არსანიძე

20.0 GEL
June 05, 2024

Mindaugas Ladas

300.0 GEL
June 04, 2024


30.0 GEL
June 04, 2024

Sergejus Staponkus

100.0 GEL
June 04, 2024


170.0 GEL
June 04, 2024

ნანა გოგოხია

20.0 GEL
June 04, 2024

თორნიკე მაცაბერიძე

30.0 GEL
June 04, 2024


421.0 GEL
June 04, 2024

ნათია აფხაზავა

50.0 GEL
June 02, 2024

ლევან ხუციშვილი

50.0 GEL
May 31, 2024

ეკატერინე დანელია

50.0 GEL
May 31, 2024

მარი გაბუნია

30.0 GEL
May 31, 2024

ანა ვ

60.0 GEL
May 30, 2024


50.0 GEL
May 15, 2024

თორნიკე მაცაბერიძე

10.0 GEL
May 13, 2024

თაკო ძაგანია

50.0 GEL
May 11, 2024


14.0 GEL
May 10, 2024


20.0 GEL
May 09, 2024


200.0 GEL
May 08, 2024

ანი სილაგაძე

50.0 GEL
May 08, 2024

ნინია ნანდოშვილი

5.0 GEL
May 08, 2024

ლუსინე დოსტიბეგიანი

150.0 GEL
May 04, 2024

სოფიკო ბაბალაშვილი

200.0 GEL
April 30, 2024

Nika Gugeshashvili

100.0 GEL
April 25, 2024

ივეტა გოგავა

50.0 GEL
April 24, 2024

თაკო ძაგანია

50.0 GEL
April 23, 2024


1.0 GEL
April 23, 2024

Emilija Mykolas

100.0 GEL
April 23, 2024

Elvis Preslis

90.0 GEL
April 20, 2024

ნინო შუკაკიძე

10.0 GEL
April 20, 2024

ნინო გვარჯალაძე

40.0 GEL
April 20, 2024


100.0 GEL
April 20, 2024

Ieva Rumsiene

100.0 GEL
April 20, 2024

Valdas Žindžius

50.0 GEL
April 20, 2024


1,400.0 GEL
April 20, 2024

ეთერ მეტრეველი

50.0 GEL
April 20, 2024

დავით თოფჩიშვილი

200.0 GEL
April 19, 2024

თეონა რაზმაძე

20.0 GEL
April 19, 2024

თამარ ბუჭუხიშვილი

50.0 GEL
April 19, 2024

ნანა მეტრეველი

30.0 GEL
April 19, 2024

ლილი მაისურაძე

50.0 GEL
April 17, 2024

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