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What the House Tells Us – Children’s history book

Matchfunded By USAID Civil Society Engagement Program


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We are creating an illustrated book about the apartment located at 20 Leo Kiacheli St., the purpose of which is to tell the diverse history of Tbilisi in an interesting and easy-to-understand manner using the example of one extraordinary apartment.
This apartment historically belonged to the famous public figure, doctor and scientist - Mikheil Gedevanishvili. Mikheil Gedevanishvili was a friend and associate of Ilia Chavchavadze and many famous public figures, he brought the first X-ray machine to Georgia, 1 year after its invention; A number of works in the field of psychology, including children's psychology, were published under his authorship. He was an active philanthropist and innovator. It was within the walls of this house that the first Georgian-language kindergarten was established, the first women's assembly was held, as a result of which women gained the right to vote in elections. Within the framework of the project, the news, events and facts of the 19th and 20th centuries will be told in a very interesting and fun format, precisely with the history of Mikheil Gedevanishvili's apartment.
The main tasks: - to provide information to the reader in the simplest and most understandable language, through interesting and visible illustrations; - to make the recent history of Georgia interesting for children to learn and easy to tell for famous people; - to increase interest and demand for Tbilisi sights; - To become a source of inspiration for readers, let's publish this very important and useful book together! The project is ready, it remains to collect the printing fee.

45 Supporter


300.0 GEL
June 05, 2024

ლევან კენჭაძე

200.0 GEL
June 05, 2024

ქეთი კუპატაძე

80.0 GEL
June 04, 2024

ნინუნა უნგიაძე

50.0 GEL
June 03, 2024

ნუცა ფხაკაძე

200.0 GEL
June 03, 2024


50.0 GEL
June 03, 2024


50.0 GEL
June 03, 2024

მარიამ ამირიძე

70.0 GEL
June 03, 2024

მამუკა ანთია

100.0 GEL
June 03, 2024

მარიამი ასკურავა

200.0 GEL
June 03, 2024


500.0 GEL
June 03, 2024

Ჯაბა Შავიშვილი

150.0 GEL
June 03, 2024

გიორგი ნატროშვილი

100.0 GEL
June 03, 2024

დავით კუპატაძე

500.0 GEL
June 02, 2024

დოდო ტატა კურტანიძე

30.0 GEL
June 01, 2024

მარი ნინიკაშვილი

20.0 GEL
May 31, 2024

ანკა ქაფიაშვილი

50.0 GEL
May 31, 2024

ელენე შაფათავა

10.0 GEL
May 31, 2024

მიხეილ დიასამიძე

30.0 GEL
May 31, 2024


100.0 GEL
May 31, 2024


20.0 GEL
May 31, 2024

nuka chokheli

100.0 GEL
May 28, 2024

სალი წილოსანი

100.0 GEL
May 28, 2024

ნიკა მუსერიძე

200.0 GEL
May 28, 2024


100.0 GEL
May 27, 2024

ნინო ახალაია

50.0 GEL
May 27, 2024

მაკო თეთრაული

10.0 GEL
May 23, 2024

Tamari Andguladze

20.0 GEL
May 06, 2024

ნათია ჟიჟავაძე

15.0 GEL
April 30, 2024

სიმონ სურგულაძე

50.0 GEL
April 27, 2024

ეკატერინე ჭურაძე

30.0 GEL
April 26, 2024

თამარ გედევანიშვილი

10.0 GEL
April 26, 2024

თამარ ჩიქოვანი

30.0 GEL
April 26, 2024

ივა დარჩია

100.0 GEL
April 25, 2024


50.0 GEL
April 25, 2024


25.0 GEL
April 25, 2024

ხათუნა ზუმბულიძე ზუმბულიძე

20.0 GEL
April 25, 2024

ანა მესტუმრიშვილი

50.0 GEL
April 24, 2024


20.0 GEL
April 24, 2024

ხათუნა ხაჟომია

20.0 GEL
April 24, 2024

ნატალია ინგოროყვა

30.0 GEL
April 24, 2024

ირინა გვეტაძე

10.0 GEL
April 24, 2024

თამთა თურმანიძე

50.0 GEL
April 24, 2024

ნინო გრძელიშვილი

50.0 GEL
April 24, 2024

სალომე ბენიძე

50.0 GEL
April 24, 2024

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