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    მეტი იდეების კონკურსის შესახებ საქართველოში სახალხო დაფინანსების პირველი პლატფორმაა, რომელიც 2015 წელს შეიქმნა. პლატფორმის მიზანია, ხელი შეუწყოს სოციალური პროექტების განხორციელებას, დაეხმაროს და მიცეს მოტივაცია ადამიანებს, რომლებსაც აქვთ პასუხისმგებლობა და სურვილი განახორციელონ საინტერესო პროექტები და შეცვალონ ან უკეთესი გახადონ თავიანთი ქალაქი თუ რეგიონი. ასევე, დაინერგოს Crowdfunding-ის კულტურა საქართველოში. სახალხო დაფინანსების (Crowdfunding) მთავარი იდეა ბევრი ადამიანის მიერ, ერთიანი ძალისხმევითა და აქტიური ჩართულობით საერთო პროექტების განხორციელებაა. ორბელიანი მეტის პლატფორმაზე „იდეების კონკურსი“ მიმდინარეობს , რაც იმას ნიშნავს რომ საქართველოს ნებისმიერ მოქალაქეს შეუძლია გააგზავნოს საკუთარი ინიციატივა, რომელიც კონკრეტულითემის თუ საზოგადოების კეთილდღეობაზე იქნება ორიენტირებული.   „იდეების კონკურსი“ 2020 წლიდან USAID-ის სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ჩართულობის პროგრამის ფარგლებში მიმდინარეობს და ცდილობს დაეხმაროს ახალგაზრდებს, სამოქალაქო აქტივისტებს, სოციალურ მეწარმეებსა თუ ჩვეულებრივ მოქალაქეებს მოიპოვონ საკმარისი დაფინანსება საკუთარი პროექტების და სოციალური ინიციატივების განსახორციელებლად თანადაფინანსების პრინციპით.   იდეის ავტორებს პლატფორმის საშუალებით შეუძლიათ მოაგროვონ პროექტისთვის სასურველი თანხის 30%, ხოლო 70% „ორბელიანი მეტის” დონორი ორგანიზაციის მიერ იფარება. ისინი პლატფორმაზე 2 თვის განმავლობაში შეძლებენ აწარმოონ ქრაუდფანდინგ კამპანია და საკუთარი ინიციატივა უცხო ადამიანების დახმარებით რეალობად აქციონ.

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    "I want someone to take care of me when i get old ..."

    Tako Bakradze is the winner of  the Orbeliani Meti’s contest of ideas, and her idea is to give a free pottery lesson to seniors from Martkopi.  In order to make the possibility of studying ceramics  for the seniors, she moved to Martkopi with her family and created a studio, where the seniors are given the opportunity to practice. Tako shares with us what changes her initiative will bring to society: “The support of Orbeliani Mati does not start from 70% financial co-financing, but from the preparation we start to shoot a video so that our idea can see the light of day and reach the hearts of many people. The video of Ulevi Ceramics had 279 shares within 24 hours of being posted on social networks, without any artificial intervention or sponsored advertising. Despite the fact that we believe in our idea and we have understood our social responsibility, which involves returning people over 60 years of age to society and effectively using their years of experience, we were still pleasantly surprised  by the reaction of the people to the video. This showed us even more how acute the problem of socialization of the elderly is in our country and how we need to start taking action to solve this problem as soon as possible. A lady who made a donation to give a free pottery lesson to seniors from Martkopi., wrote us one phrase, “I want them to take care of me in my old age”… This phrase has become the starting point from which we realize that caring for one another is the foundation of a healthy society.Each donation we receive from donors brings us one step closer to allowing ten elderly people of Martkofi to enjoy a friendly and age-stereotype-free space, develop a new hobby and have a source of income from a pleasant job. So important is the involvement of people who make their own contribution to the health and diversity of their senior years, we are confident that we will be able to open more workshops in the future to bring more seniors back into society.” Learn more about Tako’s Idea!

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    What is a CROWDFUNDING?

    Crowdfunding helps people turn their ideas into reality, get enough funding to implement their projects and social initiatives. The main idea of crowdfunding is the implementation of common projects by many people with united efforts and active participation! The advantage of crowdfunding (public financing) is that it is possible to obtain financing without the participation of banks, various funds and exchanges. This is a more democratic method – you have the opportunity to present your idea to a large number of potential financiers in the online space Crowdfunding allows as many people as possible to be interested in your idea, which will bring good to society. There are several types of crowdfunding: Donation-based crowdfunding, which involves collecting donations from supporters for your project. In the case of incentive-based crowdfunding, the project author thanks the donor with a symbolic reward. Equity-based crowdfunding means that donors receive a percentage of the company’s stock in exchange for their support. And finally, loan-based financing, in which the project author undertakes to return the donation after a certain period of time. Which type of crowdfunding you choose depends on the needs of your project. If you have an idea that you want to make a reality or become a part of something valuable and strengthen a region with a donation, the crowdfunding platform provides exactly these opportunities!

  • Placeholder image

    "Competition of ideas" - step for change

    Do you want to change the life of your community for the better? If you have time, energy, creativity and ideas, if you are a blogger, IT specialist, architect, student, teacher, journalist, civil servant, artist, designer, entrepreneur or just an active citizen, if you don’t want to wait patiently, how your community, village is changing , city streets, neighborhood, school, garden, park and youth life, then you yourself change the life of your community for the better! OrbelianiMeti’s ideas competition is a step towards change! Present your idea on our platform – what do you want to change in your community/village/city. As a result of participation: – your idea will be considered by the competition jury; – If you win, you will receive funding for your idea! – develop your idea with the help of industry experts and associates; – You will participate in advocacy and community mobilization trainings and get to know other activists; – If the idea is implemented, you can share your success with other startup project authors! Ecology, greening, transport and mobility, education and youth involvement, urban space development or culture. What is your idea about? Anyone can submit an idea throughout Georgia, including: individuals, initiative groups, civil movements and activists. Ideas can be submitted after registering on the platform. You can find more information about the competition on our Facebook page – Orbeliani Meti • Orbeliani Meti For more information, write to us on Facebook or email –

See more ideas More about us

Stories about us

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    მეტი იდეების კონკურსის შესახებ საქართველოში სახალხო დაფინანსების პირველი პლატფორმაა, რომელიც 2015 წელს შეიქმნა. პლატფორმის მიზანია, ხელი შეუწყოს სოციალური პროექტების განხორციელებას, დაეხმაროს და მიცეს მოტივაცია ადამიანებს, რომლებსაც აქვთ პასუხისმგებლობა და სურვილი განახორციელონ საინტერესო პროექტები და შეცვალონ ან უკეთესი გახადონ თავიანთი ქალაქი თუ რეგიონი. ასევე, დაინერგოს Crowdfunding-ის კულტურა საქართველოში. სახალხო დაფინანსების (Crowdfunding) მთავარი იდეა ბევრი ადამიანის მიერ, ერთიანი ძალისხმევითა და აქტიური ჩართულობით საერთო პროექტების განხორციელებაა. ორბელიანი მეტის პლატფორმაზე „იდეების კონკურსი“ მიმდინარეობს , რაც იმას ნიშნავს რომ საქართველოს ნებისმიერ მოქალაქეს შეუძლია გააგზავნოს საკუთარი ინიციატივა, რომელიც კონკრეტულითემის თუ საზოგადოების კეთილდღეობაზე იქნება ორიენტირებული.   „იდეების კონკურსი“ 2020 წლიდან USAID-ის სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ჩართულობის პროგრამის ფარგლებში მიმდინარეობს და ცდილობს დაეხმაროს ახალგაზრდებს, სამოქალაქო აქტივისტებს, სოციალურ მეწარმეებსა თუ ჩვეულებრივ მოქალაქეებს მოიპოვონ საკმარისი დაფინანსება საკუთარი პროექტების და სოციალური ინიციატივების განსახორციელებლად თანადაფინანსების პრინციპით.   იდეის ავტორებს პლატფორმის საშუალებით შეუძლიათ მოაგროვონ პროექტისთვის სასურველი თანხის 30%, ხოლო 70% „ორბელიანი მეტის” დონორი ორგანიზაციის მიერ იფარება. ისინი პლატფორმაზე 2 თვის განმავლობაში შეძლებენ აწარმოონ ქრაუდფანდინგ კამპანია და საკუთარი ინიციატივა უცხო ადამიანების დახმარებით რეალობად აქციონ.

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    "I want someone to take care of me when i get old ..."

    Tako Bakradze is the winner of  the Orbeliani Meti’s contest of ideas, and her idea is to give a free pottery lesson to seniors from Martkopi.  In order to make the possibility of studying ceramics  for the seniors, she moved to Martkopi with her family and created a studio, where the seniors are given the opportunity to practice. Tako shares with us what changes her initiative will bring to society: “The support of Orbeliani Mati does not start from 70% financial co-financing, but from the preparation we start to shoot a video so that our idea can see the light of day and reach the hearts of many people. The video of Ulevi Ceramics had 279 shares within 24 hours of being posted on social networks, without any artificial intervention or sponsored advertising. Despite the fact that we believe in our idea and we have understood our social responsibility, which involves returning people over 60 years of age to society and effectively using their years of experience, we were still pleasantly surprised  by the reaction of the people to the video. This showed us even more how acute the problem of socialization of the elderly is in our country and how we need to start taking action to solve this problem as soon as possible. A lady who made a donation to give a free pottery lesson to seniors from Martkopi., wrote us one phrase, “I want them to take care of me in my old age”… This phrase has become the starting point from which we realize that caring for one another is the foundation of a healthy society.Each donation we receive from donors brings us one step closer to allowing ten elderly people of Martkofi to enjoy a friendly and age-stereotype-free space, develop a new hobby and have a source of income from a pleasant job. So important is the involvement of people who make their own contribution to the health and diversity of their senior years, we are confident that we will be able to open more workshops in the future to bring more seniors back into society.” Learn more about Tako’s Idea!

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    What is a CROWDFUNDING?

    Crowdfunding helps people turn their ideas into reality, get enough funding to implement their projects and social initiatives. The main idea of crowdfunding is the implementation of common projects by many people with united efforts and active participation! The advantage of crowdfunding (public financing) is that it is possible to obtain financing without the participation of banks, various funds and exchanges. This is a more democratic method – you have the opportunity to present your idea to a large number of potential financiers in the online space Crowdfunding allows as many people as possible to be interested in your idea, which will bring good to society. There are several types of crowdfunding: Donation-based crowdfunding, which involves collecting donations from supporters for your project. In the case of incentive-based crowdfunding, the project author thanks the donor with a symbolic reward. Equity-based crowdfunding means that donors receive a percentage of the company’s stock in exchange for their support. And finally, loan-based financing, in which the project author undertakes to return the donation after a certain period of time. Which type of crowdfunding you choose depends on the needs of your project. If you have an idea that you want to make a reality or become a part of something valuable and strengthen a region with a donation, the crowdfunding platform provides exactly these opportunities!

  • Placeholder image

    "Competition of ideas" - step for change

    Do you want to change the life of your community for the better? If you have time, energy, creativity and ideas, if you are a blogger, IT specialist, architect, student, teacher, journalist, civil servant, artist, designer, entrepreneur or just an active citizen, if you don’t want to wait patiently, how your community, village is changing , city streets, neighborhood, school, garden, park and youth life, then you yourself change the life of your community for the better! OrbelianiMeti’s ideas competition is a step towards change! Present your idea on our platform – what do you want to change in your community/village/city. As a result of participation: – your idea will be considered by the competition jury; – If you win, you will receive funding for your idea! – develop your idea with the help of industry experts and associates; – You will participate in advocacy and community mobilization trainings and get to know other activists; – If the idea is implemented, you can share your success with other startup project authors! Ecology, greening, transport and mobility, education and youth involvement, urban space development or culture. What is your idea about? Anyone can submit an idea throughout Georgia, including: individuals, initiative groups, civil movements and activists. Ideas can be submitted after registering on the platform. You can find more information about the competition on our Facebook page – Orbeliani Meti • Orbeliani Meti For more information, write to us on Facebook or email –



  • For the authors of the idea
  • For supporters
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How does the platform work?

Register on the Orbeliani Meti platform. Upload your idea, indicate the purpose of the project, the required amount of money to implement your project, and submit it to us.

You can offer supporters a “gift” in exchange for a donation. You have the flexibility to determine what you will provide in return for their contribution.

Each initiative will go through a selection stage where the financial aspects of the project and its sustainability will be evaluated.

After that, the ideas selected by the commission will be published on the platform, giving people the opportunity to learn about your project and, if they wish, make a donation to support the idea.

“Orbeliani Meti” will introduce your idea to the general public, but it’s essential to attract supporters for your project.

If the project is successful and the target amount is collected, the donation will be transferred to the account of the person responsible for the project.

How are ideas evaluated?

When evaluating ideas, key criteria such as social responsibility and sustainability are taken into account. The main focus is on the degree of social impact and the extent to which the idea can address significant social issues through innovative approaches.

The Orbeliani Metis platform is open to anyone who seeks to make a positive difference in their community, town, village, or society. Whether it involves mobilizing friends to green neighborhoods, creating a village library, developing an app to ease traffic congestion, renovating regional museums, establishing spaces for young people, or transforming schools into energy-efficient buildings.

Diversity and innovation are given priority in the assessment process, with a focus on seeking ideas that can generate sustainable and long-lasting impacts.

Who can create/participate in a project?

Both individuals and initiative groups can participate.

How do I receive a donation?

To receive donations for your idea, you should focus on maximizing visibility through various channels such as social media, TV broadcasts, and community activities.

Regularly utilize social media platforms to share compelling stories, visuals, and updates related to your project. Seek opportunities to present your idea on relevant TV shows or media platforms.

Engage in events and community gatherings, collaborate with local businesses and organizations, and promote your idea extensively to attract potential donors and increase the likelihood of receiving support.

What if I don't reach my goal?

If you fail to reach your funding goal, you will still receive the collected amount after submitting a modified project. You’ll need to demonstrate that the funds will be utilized in a targeted manner, taking into account the available financial resources.

A modified version of the project will be sent to your donors to keep them informed, and it will be published on your page.

How do I know if crowdfunding is the right choice for me?

Crowdfunding is the ideal choice if you have an interesting, socially impactful, and innovative idea but lack the necessary funds to bring it to life.

Time limit?

It is important to set a predetermined time frame or limit for the submitted idea. This helps create a sense of urgency and encourages potential donors to act promptly.

What does a co-financed project mean?

A co-financed project refers to initiatives that receive partial funding from “Orbelian” through collaborations with the public sector, local self-government, and/or international organizations.

If the idea’s author manages to collect at least 30 percent of the target amount through the platform, the remaining 70 percent will be financed by funds obtained from the “Orbeliani” donor institute. These co-sponsored ideas are marked with a special sign.

Co-funding serves as an incentive for idea authors to achieve greater success in their fundraising efforts. The selection of co-financed projects is based on consultation with the financing organization.

What does a gift mean?

A gift is a symbolic token offered to donors in exchange for their contribution. Authors can provide various gifts to supporters based on the size of their donations. The reward can be a product created by the author (in the case of a social enterprise) or any gift thematically related to the idea.

Additionally, it’s essential to express gratitude by sending a thank-you note to all donors. The responsibility for delivering the gift to the donor lies with the author of the idea. “Orbeliani Meti” is not responsible for the delivery of the gift and does not cover courier or transportation services.

What is the minimum donation?

The minimum donation amount is 1 GEL. Crowdfunding’s strength lies in mobilizing supporters, as every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference. It also enables anyone to participate in a good cause for society.

What is the maximum amount of project co-financing?

The maximum amount available for co-financing from “Orbeliani Georgia” is the equivalent of 3,500 dollars in GEL, which corresponds to 70% of the total project cost.

Can I donate money anonymously?

Yes, you have the option to support your favorite project completely anonymously.

Which payment methods can I use?

You can deposit money through online banking using your card. Additionally, you can withdraw money using any bank card. If you are making a payment from abroad, you can utilize PayPal.


How does Orbeliani More ensure the security of deposited funds?

The security of financial transactions on the Orbeliani Meti crowdfunding platform is guaranteed by TBC Bank. Your transaction is as secure as any other transaction you make through this bank.

What does the donor receive in return for the donation?

The primary benefit for all donors is the same – contributing to positive change for the public good. However, in addition to this general benefit, what donors receive in return may vary and will depend on the authors of the idea. They will decide what offerings or rewards they will provide to people in exchange for their support.


Can I modify or cancel my contribution?

You have the flexibility to adjust or cancel the amount until the transaction is finalized.

What is crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is an innovative method for raising funds for various initiatives, including ventures, scientific research, projects, and most importantly, social ideas.

Its main essence is that it offers the opportunity to present your idea to a large number of potential financiers in the online space. The more financiers are interested, the more likely you are to collect the money needed to implement the idea.

Over a certain period of time, interested financiers transfer money to the author of the idea (or group of authors, company). The amount of money is determined by the financiers at their will.

Most crowdfunding platforms are built on a charitable or non-profit basis, with an emphasis on supporting projects that bring public benefit.

The advantage of crowdfunding is that it allows obtaining financing without the involvement of banks, various funds, and stock exchanges. It is a highly democratic method that allows individuals and organizations to initiate projects independently.


Additionally, crowdfunding enables project creators to easily and inexpensively spread their initiatives to reach a wide audience.

What types of crowdfunding are there?

There are several types of crowdfunding:

  • Reward-free/donation-based: Your fans contribute money to make the idea happen and get nothing in return.
  • Non-financial reward: This can be any card, video thanking the donor, or a gift that is sent to the donor in exchange for a donation.
  • Financial reward: In this case, large investors receive a percentage of the income and sales. This type of “crowdfunding” is commonly used to finance films, games, applications, and music albums.
How does "Orbeliani Meti" ensure the implementation of the project and the targeted use of the donation?

The organization “Orbeliani Georgia” has been financing social initiatives for more than 8 years and has a wealth of experience in evaluating and monitoring similar projects. Before publishing an idea on the platform, “Orbeliani” reviews the idea, assesses its practicality, requests additional documentation if necessary, and only then publishes it on the platform. Additionally, all co-funded ideas are directly monitored by our team to support the idea’s author and verify the intended use of the donation, including checking financial documentation. 

Moreover, the project author is obliged to post the final report on the platform to ensure maximum transparency and accountability. The project report, including the financial part, will be sent to all donors by email upon request.

How much is the platform service fee?

Bank transactions carried out from Georgia are subject to TBC Bank’s standard commission of 2%, which is charged to individual donors. In the case of transfers from abroad, a 2.5% rate applies. The platform service fee is 10%. By doing this, you will help the “Orbeliani Meti” platform to further develop and support more ideas in the future.

What is our goal?

Our goal is to promote positive change in Georgia by empowering individuals, women, youth, civic activists, social entrepreneurs, and community leaders who want to make a difference in their community, neighborhood, city, and country. We understand that many social initiatives, innovative ideas, inventions, and social enterprises often suffer from a lack of financial support. However, we firmly believe that there are many people in our country who are ready to support solid and useful ideas for the betterment of society, which is what the “Orbeliani Meti” platform aims to connect.

Our mission is to help people find the financial resources to turn their ideas into reality and, at the same time, promote the growth of social responsibility and raise awareness about the role of crowdfunding. By working together, we strive to create an ecosystem where social innovative ideas thrive, and people have the opportunity to change their community and society for the better as a whole.

How does "Orbeliani Meti" receive the donation itself?

Orbeliani works with various international organizations to find funding to promote civil activism. The Orbeliani Metis platform is supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the East-West Management Institute (EWMI Access program). Additionally, to ensure the platform continues functioning and new features can be added, your support is important. The donation report will be published on the “Orbeliani Meti” platform.

  • For the authors of the idea
  • For supporters
  • More information
How does the platform work?

Register on the Orbeliani Meti platform. Upload your idea, indicate the purpose of the project, the required amount of money to implement your project, and submit it to us.

You can offer supporters a “gift” in exchange for a donation. You have the flexibility to determine what you will provide in return for their contribution.

Each initiative will go through a selection stage where the financial aspects of the project and its sustainability will be evaluated.

After that, the ideas selected by the commission will be published on the platform, giving people the opportunity to learn about your project and, if they wish, make a donation to support the idea.

“Orbeliani Meti” will introduce your idea to the general public, but it’s essential to attract supporters for your project.

If the project is successful and the target amount is collected, the donation will be transferred to the account of the person responsible for the project.

How are ideas evaluated?

When evaluating ideas, key criteria such as social responsibility and sustainability are taken into account. The main focus is on the degree of social impact and the extent to which the idea can address significant social issues through innovative approaches.

The Orbeliani Metis platform is open to anyone who seeks to make a positive difference in their community, town, village, or society. Whether it involves mobilizing friends to green neighborhoods, creating a village library, developing an app to ease traffic congestion, renovating regional museums, establishing spaces for young people, or transforming schools into energy-efficient buildings.

Diversity and innovation are given priority in the assessment process, with a focus on seeking ideas that can generate sustainable and long-lasting impacts.

Who can create/participate in a project?

Both individuals and initiative groups can participate.

How do I receive a donation?

To receive donations for your idea, you should focus on maximizing visibility through various channels such as social media, TV broadcasts, and community activities.

Regularly utilize social media platforms to share compelling stories, visuals, and updates related to your project. Seek opportunities to present your idea on relevant TV shows or media platforms.

Engage in events and community gatherings, collaborate with local businesses and organizations, and promote your idea extensively to attract potential donors and increase the likelihood of receiving support.

What if I don't reach my goal?

If you fail to reach your funding goal, you will still receive the collected amount after submitting a modified project. You’ll need to demonstrate that the funds will be utilized in a targeted manner, taking into account the available financial resources.

A modified version of the project will be sent to your donors to keep them informed, and it will be published on your page.

How do I know if crowdfunding is the right choice for me?

Crowdfunding is the ideal choice if you have an interesting, socially impactful, and innovative idea but lack the necessary funds to bring it to life.

Time limit?

It is important to set a predetermined time frame or limit for the submitted idea. This helps create a sense of urgency and encourages potential donors to act promptly.

What does a co-financed project mean?

A co-financed project refers to initiatives that receive partial funding from “Orbelian” through collaborations with the public sector, local self-government, and/or international organizations.

If the idea’s author manages to collect at least 30 percent of the target amount through the platform, the remaining 70 percent will be financed by funds obtained from the “Orbeliani” donor institute. These co-sponsored ideas are marked with a special sign.

Co-funding serves as an incentive for idea authors to achieve greater success in their fundraising efforts. The selection of co-financed projects is based on consultation with the financing organization.

What does a gift mean?

A gift is a symbolic token offered to donors in exchange for their contribution. Authors can provide various gifts to supporters based on the size of their donations. The reward can be a product created by the author (in the case of a social enterprise) or any gift thematically related to the idea.

Additionally, it’s essential to express gratitude by sending a thank-you note to all donors. The responsibility for delivering the gift to the donor lies with the author of the idea. “Orbeliani Meti” is not responsible for the delivery of the gift and does not cover courier or transportation services.

What is the minimum donation?

The minimum donation amount is 1 GEL. Crowdfunding’s strength lies in mobilizing supporters, as every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference. It also enables anyone to participate in a good cause for society.

What is the maximum amount of project co-financing?

The maximum amount available for co-financing from “Orbeliani Georgia” is the equivalent of 3,500 dollars in GEL, which corresponds to 70% of the total project cost.

Can I donate money anonymously?

Yes, you have the option to support your favorite project completely anonymously.

Which payment methods can I use?

You can deposit money through online banking using your card. Additionally, you can withdraw money using any bank card. If you are making a payment from abroad, you can utilize PayPal.


How does Orbeliani More ensure the security of deposited funds?

The security of financial transactions on the Orbeliani Meti crowdfunding platform is guaranteed by TBC Bank. Your transaction is as secure as any other transaction you make through this bank.

What does the donor receive in return for the donation?

The primary benefit for all donors is the same – contributing to positive change for the public good. However, in addition to this general benefit, what donors receive in return may vary and will depend on the authors of the idea. They will decide what offerings or rewards they will provide to people in exchange for their support.


Can I modify or cancel my contribution?

You have the flexibility to adjust or cancel the amount until the transaction is finalized.

What is crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is an innovative method for raising funds for various initiatives, including ventures, scientific research, projects, and most importantly, social ideas.

Its main essence is that it offers the opportunity to present your idea to a large number of potential financiers in the online space. The more financiers are interested, the more likely you are to collect the money needed to implement the idea.

Over a certain period of time, interested financiers transfer money to the author of the idea (or group of authors, company). The amount of money is determined by the financiers at their will.

Most crowdfunding platforms are built on a charitable or non-profit basis, with an emphasis on supporting projects that bring public benefit.

The advantage of crowdfunding is that it allows obtaining financing without the involvement of banks, various funds, and stock exchanges. It is a highly democratic method that allows individuals and organizations to initiate projects independently.


Additionally, crowdfunding enables project creators to easily and inexpensively spread their initiatives to reach a wide audience.

What types of crowdfunding are there?

There are several types of crowdfunding:

  • Reward-free/donation-based: Your fans contribute money to make the idea happen and get nothing in return.
  • Non-financial reward: This can be any card, video thanking the donor, or a gift that is sent to the donor in exchange for a donation.
  • Financial reward: In this case, large investors receive a percentage of the income and sales. This type of “crowdfunding” is commonly used to finance films, games, applications, and music albums.
How does "Orbeliani Meti" ensure the implementation of the project and the targeted use of the donation?

The organization “Orbeliani Georgia” has been financing social initiatives for more than 8 years and has a wealth of experience in evaluating and monitoring similar projects. Before publishing an idea on the platform, “Orbeliani” reviews the idea, assesses its practicality, requests additional documentation if necessary, and only then publishes it on the platform. Additionally, all co-funded ideas are directly monitored by our team to support the idea’s author and verify the intended use of the donation, including checking financial documentation. 

Moreover, the project author is obliged to post the final report on the platform to ensure maximum transparency and accountability. The project report, including the financial part, will be sent to all donors by email upon request.

How much is the platform service fee?

Bank transactions carried out from Georgia are subject to TBC Bank’s standard commission of 2%, which is charged to individual donors. In the case of transfers from abroad, a 2.5% rate applies. The platform service fee is 10%. By doing this, you will help the “Orbeliani Meti” platform to further develop and support more ideas in the future.

What is our goal?

Our goal is to promote positive change in Georgia by empowering individuals, women, youth, civic activists, social entrepreneurs, and community leaders who want to make a difference in their community, neighborhood, city, and country. We understand that many social initiatives, innovative ideas, inventions, and social enterprises often suffer from a lack of financial support. However, we firmly believe that there are many people in our country who are ready to support solid and useful ideas for the betterment of society, which is what the “Orbeliani Meti” platform aims to connect.

Our mission is to help people find the financial resources to turn their ideas into reality and, at the same time, promote the growth of social responsibility and raise awareness about the role of crowdfunding. By working together, we strive to create an ecosystem where social innovative ideas thrive, and people have the opportunity to change their community and society for the better as a whole.

How does "Orbeliani Meti" receive the donation itself?

Orbeliani works with various international organizations to find funding to promote civil activism. The Orbeliani Metis platform is supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the East-West Management Institute (EWMI Access program). Additionally, to ensure the platform continues functioning and new features can be added, your support is important. The donation report will be published on the “Orbeliani Meti” platform.